Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday Tunes

Here's some sweet music to start the new year, and fun stuff to help make you through the fast! And, of course, one in anticipation of our beloved Avicii concert on Thursday :) Happy 5773!

 1) I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz 

 2) A Thousand Years by Christina Perri

 3) Dancing on My Own All Night Long by DJ Schmolli (AC/DC and Robyn mix)


4) Stay with You by Avicii ft. Mike Posner

5) Zombie Nation by Kernkraft 400

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday Tunes: I Love Ameri-cuh and NYC

It's hard to believe that the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, a field in Pennsylvania and countless Americans were forever changed eleven years ago today.  I remember it like it was yesterday, and I never could have imagined that I would be living in this great city six years later. These songs always remind me of how proud I am to be a New Yorker, to be an American and of that day.  Also, there was a touching article yesterday in Forbes magazine, Fifty Important Lessons New York Taught Me,  that can be applied to just about anyone, click here to read.

America by Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel 

New York State of Mind by Billy Joel

Fire & Rain by James Taylor

Overcome by LIVE (I listened to this on repeat for weeks after 9/11/01, warning its a tearjerker)

Empire State of Mind by Alicia Keys and Jay-Z (obvi)

I'm Proud to be an American by Toby Keith


Sunday, September 9, 2012

NYFW: Fancy Footwork

Any day of the week, the streets of NYC are a fashionistas very own catwalk.  But today, with Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in full swing, celebrities, editors, buyers, bloggers, and stylists flocked specifically to Lincoln Center in their Sunday best and we were there to take it all in.  With so many people, it was evident that visitors were doing their best to stand out in the crowd but it was the shoes that really stole the show.  Here's a peek at the NYFW Lincoln Center runway at Tracy Reese and DVF.
{The Shoes}

{The Gents}

 {The Ladies}

{The Celebs}
Not pictured, but spotted, Bravo's Andy Cohen. 

Andre Leon Talley, Editor-at-Large of Vogue
Valentino, enough said

Happy Fashion Week!

Oh, and obviously, my two favorite fashionistas...